In the app’s journeys, a scientist takes users into her work environment, recalling her favorite career moments as well as challenges. Feature stories combine audio interviews, video, 3D environments and 360-degree virtual reality content to let viewers peek into the worlds of these scientific heroes. My role within the project included overall look and feel of the app, UX/UI design, branding, profile writing and illustration of each highlighted scientist. I illustrated, designed and wrote copy for accompanying print posters to be distributed. I also designed and continue to build out designs for the website. The project received support from the Smithsonian American Women’s History Initiative, Because of Her Story. Support also comes from the Chandra X-ray Observatory.
Illustration | Visual Identity | Web Design | Print
3D modeling objects in our Universe offer a unique tool to understand scientific data. For Cassiopeia A scientists combined data from Chandra, NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, and ground-based facilities to construct a unique 3D model of the 300-year old remains of a stellar explosion that blew a massive star apart, sending the stellar debris rushing into space at millions of miles per hour.
illustration, traditional and digital for NASA, Boston Museum of Science, Huffington Post, CVS Health. For other illustration work, please see
In my role in the communication and outreach team, I design websites on specific topics, like Exoplanets or Women in Science. Each site must visually connect to one another in a way that is user-friendly, incorporates universal design and is fun to explore.
To encourage girls and celebrate the achievements of women in science, I designed a new microsite. The site acts as an introduction to historic and current women. It includes links to a series of posters and postcards that have been distributed to schools and organizations internationally. The series was based on a personal illustration project.
Chandra’s Operations Control Center moved into a new modern, but primarily, empty space. Working with the scientists, I designed spaces that would reflect the current scientific contributions as well as pay tribute to the history of the mission. Phase 1.
To celebrate the achievements of women in science, I was asked to illustrate and design a limited series of posters and postcards. Our original series completed, I’m currently working on another limited series of women in space science.
Brand Strategy | Visual Identity | UI / UX Design | App design
The Eclipse Soundscapes project uses a specially designed, multi-platform app to allow citizen scientists to record environmental sounds before, during, and after the August 21, 2017 eclipse. The data collected by citizen scientists will be combined with audio recordings from professional wildlife researchers with the National Park Service. The changes in the sounds of the eclipse, are not only of interest to sociologists, birders, and naturalists, but will also give the blind and visually impaired an opportunity to experience an event that would otherwise be challenging for them to access.
An evergreen brochure to be used to advertise the overall programs of the Rhode Island School of Design’s Continuing Education programs.
interior of evergreen brochure
Branding and design for a special series from the Boston Center for the Arts. Project included branding for the series, poster design, playbill design and social media asset design.
Part of a series of lecture posters
Design of cover and overall look and feel for the Dansco Dance catalog